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Project Dissertation

Here is the work and progress of my project dissertation. My question is about; 'Is it possible to avoid design stereotypes when it comes to creating a witch character?' My goal is to explore the question on whether is it possible to avoid design stereotypes when it comes to creating a witch character. This topic in particular was chosen to have a better understanding to why one would stereotype. As if one were to know, they would have a better understanding on whether they should avoid it or not.

To start off my project I decided to create three characters in where one would use all the stereotypes of a witch, one with some of the stereotypes and finally one with none. Below are the process of creating said characters.

And finally here is the final design of the three characters


From that a survey was made collect data and after came the final designs for the final character. I wanted the style for this character to be similar to the art nouveau style. The reason of this choice is because of the match between the old antique aesthetic of the mediaeval witch with the modern art style that is art nouveau. 

Here is the character sheet of the final character, Astrid.

Character Sheet.PNG
Final Design.PNG

The final piece, it uses elements that can easily indicate that she is a witch such as the use of a pointed hat and the use of magic. But there are also smaller details that help attribute the witch character. These are the jewelry and the long hair and dress.

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